Agency Flood Resources is a one-stop-shop for all of your agency’s flood-related needs.  Our mission is to help insurance agencies gain a competitive advantage by leveraging our flood expertise to deliver winning flood solutions, while simultaneously minimizing their errors and omissions exposure. Let us help your agency convert flood from a weakness into a strength and a nuisance into a competitive advantage.

Flood is the most common and costly natural hazard peril in the United States, both historically and today. The catastrophic flood events of the last ten years have made flood expertise more important today than ever before. Our team has more than 75 years of combined flood expertise. We use our comprehensive portfolio of value-added flood risk consulting services, combined with many flood insurance programs, to help you deliver a winning flood solution.

  • Flood Zone Correction
  • Flood Premium Reduction
  • Flood Zone Determinations
  • Elevation Certificate Coordination
  • Development Consulting
  • Mitigation Consulting
  • Flood Insurance

We are a one-stop-shop for all of your agency’s flood-related needs. We look forward to leveraging our flood expertise to help you gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Dan Freudenthal, President